Basketball Skill Classes
We have years of experience helping players from all around become better all-around players. No matter the age group or skill level, our sessions are as fun as they are informative.
For beginners and younger athletes (Grades K-5), we offer 3 levels of classes, all with progressive skill challenges in basketball development. These classes run in consecutive 4-week sessions. Players are grouped by ability (rather than age) as determined by a variety of measurable skill sets. Players that reach a defined skill level will advance to the next level.
For our advanced players (Grades 4-12), we offer classes that emphasize a specific area of development through our pathway series. Each month we will highlight and offer classes representing a different pathway. Our goal is to help each player with his/her overall basketball improvement, but more importantly, we want each participant to develop a clear understanding of what it takes to get better.
Level 1: Little Ballers
Approximately Grades K, 1. Must be at least 5 years old.
In this level, the basketball hoops will be lowered to 8 feet and players will use a smaller basketball. The goal is for them to start developing a joy for basketball while interacting with other children their age in a fun, friendly atmosphere. The activities at this level are more play oriented such as group relay races, shooting games, cone dribbling and group passing games. The main objective here is to work on hand-eye coordination and to have a ball in the children's hands so that they are dribbling, passing, catching or shooting as much as possible.
[This class was previously named Level 1: Just Starting but changed to align with Shoot360 nationwide offerings.]
Level 2: Young Ballers
Approximately Grades 1, 2, 3
The basketball hoops will be lowered to 9 feet for this level to allow for players to learn and maintain proper shooting form. This level is geared towards younger players with limited experience. We will introduce the basic lines on the court as well as basic basketball rules such as traveling, double dribble, and fouls. The curriculum will focus on ball handling (learning to get comfortable with the ball), passing and catching techniques, jump stops and pivots, and basic defensive stance. They’ll work on the footwork needed for a dominant-hand lay-up. Most importantly, players will develop proper shooting form to set them up with good habits from a young age. Games such as dribble tag or basketball relays will be played to make the class fun while we build towards playing in a real game situation.
[This class was previously named Level 2: Hoops for Fun but changed to align with Shoot360 nationwide offerings.]
Level 3: Basketball Basics
Geared towards tween players new to basketball (or with limited game experience) in addition to younger players that have advanced through our program and have been identified by coaches as a player ready to play on a 10-foot hoop. This session is designed to help players solidify proper shooting mechanics. In addition, they will continue work on both a dominant and weak hand layup. When we do the layup maze, we encourage them to shoot with the right hand on the right side of the basket and the left hand on the left side of the basket. The curriculum will focus on stationary dribbling skills, change of direction and combination dribble moves, strong and weak handed one-foot lay-ups, passing on the move, zig-zag defensive slides and spot up shooting.
Ankle Breaker Pathway Series
Athletes in the Ankle Breaker classes will work towards becoming a master at manipulating the ball and their defender. In this class series, they'll develop moves to become shifty and hard to stay in front of.
Craftsman Pathway Series
Athletes in the craftsman clinic want to win and will work towards becoming the most skilled.
Fundamentalist Pathway Series
Athletes in the Fundamentalist classes want to develop a strong foundation and are committed to the process. This series is for players that don't take shortcuts to get where they want to be and want to be depended upon every time they step on the floor.
Playmaker Pathway Series
Athletes in the Playmaker classes will work to become an adept all-around player with the ability to pass, score and handle the ball. This series is designed for the player with the desire to do whatever is needed to win.
Scoring Machine Pathway Series
These classes will work on scoring in a variety of situations. Athletes in this class should want to develop moves to become a complete scorer to be able to get a bucket from anywhere on the floor in a variety of ways.
Sharpshooter Pathway Series
Athletes in these classes will work to be come an expert in any catch-and-shoot scenario. This class is designed for the player that wants to develope the ability to shoot the ball at a high level to allow them to space the floor well for their team.